Part One: Full Circle
Part two: End from Beginning
Part three: the Law of No Sin Consciousness
Part four: Shall Not Die
Part five: the Doorway to Eden
Part six: Putting on Your Clothes
Category Archives: the Society
New System of Belief
Our Faith (system of belief) should stand in the Holy Ghost.
Entering the Room of Holy Ghost Worship – audio series
Audio Series – The Society for beginners
Audio Series – Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
What about the sinner? Should they worship the Holy Ghost?
Emphatically, Yes! The Holy Ghost is God in the earth today. God is no respecter of persons when it comes to worship.
When anyone reaches out to the Holy Ghost, via the vehicle of worship, He begins to move toward them on their behalf.
Are You a Cult?
No, the Society is not a cult. But, you may be interested to know that most of Christianity is. Christianity is in fact a Jesus Cult. The Latin word for worship is CULTUS. It’s where we derive the word cult from. How is Christianity a cult? By failing to fully receive “The Another” that Jesus sent (The Holy Ghost as a Person) and by attempting to keep Jesus in a place he no longer can occupy (on Earth), the church has unwittingly propagated cult-like doctrines that keep people in bondage. It is only through the proper recognition of the Holy Ghost as God in the earth today, receiving Him and worshiping Him that will deliver Christians from this cult-like bondage of corruption and set them free into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
Where the Spirit is Lord, there is liberty. 2 Corinthians 3:
What About Jesus?
What about Jesus? Oftentimes when we talk about the Holy Ghost so much people think we forgot about Jesus, don’t believe in him, or that we don’t consider him important. Nothing could be further from the truth. Jesus’ life and ministry brought us to this logical conclusion of Holy Ghost Worship, the “Holy Ghost Only” faith, and walking with the Holy Ghost as God in the earth today. Nothing pleases him more.