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God of this World?
All saving, being done in the earth today is by the operation of the Holy Ghost. The devil has very little he can do about it. The Holy Ghost is God in the earth today and when you worship Him all things shall be added unto you. Prosper A.J.Hemstrought
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Full Immersion into the Holy Ghost Dispensation
How to have full immersion in the Holy Ghost dispensation today? Worship Him as God. It
The Ministry of the Prophet

The Ministry and Office of the Prophet
5 part series by A.J.Hemstrought
“It may seem like you
Knowing the Holy Ghost as the Living God
Knowing the Holy Ghost as the Living God
You should be worshiping the Living God. The Holy Ghost is the Living God. You should worship the Holy Ghost. Pretty simple. A.J.Hemstrought
How to Have Youth Renewal
How to Have Youth Renewal
For the Special Offer listed in this video go here.
Rich Preachers
The richest people in the world have been preachers. Sounds counterintuitive, but it’s true. Preachers are by definition speakers of God’s word. Preachers of righteousness are those who speak about being in right-standing with God. It’s a great group to be in. May you join our ranks! A.J.Hemstrought
Faith for Finances Series: Rich Preachers
Youth Renewal and the Substance of Everlasting Life
Youth Renewal and Everlasting Life are part and parcel of the same exact substance. Learning how to receive everlasting life in your body, on this side of the grave, is one of the benefits to walking with the Holy Ghost as God in the earth today.
(Audio only)
The “Only” Angel and Establishing the Doctrine of Holy Ghost Worship
Angels have a large part to do with getting correct doctrine into the earth. Holy Ghost Worship is no different. This has been a long time coming. In this message A.J.Hemstrought takes you through many of the steps that got us here.
The Everyday Working of Miracles
The Everyday Working of Miracles
“All things working together for good for you” is a function of the working of miracles. In order for this to work for you, the Holy Spirit must have the right words to work with. Learn how to make the Working of Miracles a reality in your everyday life. A.J.H.