Faith for Speaking with Tongues

This message will increase your faith in speaking with other tongues. Power will come after the speaking. Speaking with other tongues is God’s foremost method for you to have his will done in your life. It was His idea. It was His plan. In order for the Holy Ghost to do anything in the earth He must speak words. In order for Him to do anything in your life you must speak His words. Build your faith in Speaking with other Tongues. A J Hemstrought

Posted in Faith, Speaking in Tongues

The Everyday Working of Miracles

The Everyday Working of Miracles
“All things working together for good for you” is a function of the working of miracles. In order for this to work for you, the Holy Spirit must have the right words to work with. Learn how to make the Working of Miracles a reality in your everyday life. A.J.H.

The Highway of Holiness – Higher, Faster, Better

The Highway of Holiness – Higher, Faster, Better
A three message series by Andrew J. Hemstrought

Disc One: The Highway

Disc Two: It’s Not What You Think

Disc Three: Worship the Beauty of Holiness

for downloadable links click here

New Improved Hearing

New Improved Hearing

Part One – Going on to Power

Part Two – Specialized Hearing

Part Three – Enhanced Abilities

for downloadable links click here

What About Jesus?

What about Jesus? Oftentimes when we talk about the Holy Ghost so much people think we forgot about Jesus, don’t believe in him, or that we don’t consider him important. Nothing could be further from the truth. Jesus’ life and ministry brought us to this logical conclusion of Holy Ghost Worship, the “Holy Ghost Only” faith, and walking with the Holy Ghost as God in the earth today. Nothing pleases him more.

How do we walk with the Holy Ghost?

By Speaking Words! The Society walks with the Holy Ghost (in all that Jesus bought and paid for) by speaking in agreement with his words.
Acts 2:39 He is The Promise.
2 Corinthians 1:20 All the Promises in him are Yes and A-men.
Amos 3:3 We walk together by being in agreement (saying the same thing).
Therefore we walk with the Holy Ghost by speaking the promises.
